Board of Islamic Education

Board of Islamic Education, Karnataka & Goa was established in year 2002 with the aim of promoting Islamic education. The Board has got number of affiliated institutes across the state and is conducting Islamic courses for their students.

Board At a Glance

A comprehensive introducing of the Board of Islamic Education, Karnataka and Goa is presented here:

In this era of cultural aggression and moral degeneation, clipping the younger generation with its cultural heritage, is a challenge before the Muslims. As for the modern education is concerned, efforts are been made from different corners. But very little is being done to impart Islamic education adjacently. AI Hamdu lillah, the Islamic Movement has been striving emphatically on both the fronts simultaneously, right from the day one. It has designed syllabus established institutions of science with combination of both modem and Islamic education. It has with Islamic perspective designed syllabus of science, language and history with islamic perspective, so that the true information is transferred to children. In furtherance of this effects the Jamat-e-lslami Hind, Kamataka and Goa reshaped its educational wing as the Board of Islamic Education, in 2002.

Aims and Objectives

  • To arrange for education and training of the younger generation according to the Islamic concept of education.
  • To observe educational awareness campaign in order to eradicate educational backwardness.
  • To impress upon the managements of modem educational institutions, and the Madrasas about the need and importance of modern education and religious knowledge correspondingly.
  • To make efforts to eliminate all objectionable content regarding Islam and Muslims from the state text books.
  • To facilitate the intellectual, ideological and moral training, including professional skills, to the teaching fraternity.
  • To upgrade the management of Muslim educational institutions.
  • Conduct Islamic educational course to promote Islamic teachings. Conduct studies research seminars and symposia on different subjects.
  • To support the deserving students, financially and to establish hostel, library, reading room, counseling centers etc.
  • To facilitate research and suggest in the educational and syllabus matters in order to bring harmony in the affiliated institutions with the board.

Chairman – Janab Abdullah Javeed

Vice Chairman – Janab Md. Atharullah Shariff

Secretary – Taher Hussain

Chief Organisor – Syed Rafeeq Ahmed

Permanent Members –

President, All India Islamic Teachers Association, Karnataka (AIITA)

President, Students Islamic Organisation of India(SIO), Karnataka Zone

President, Students Islamic Organisation of India(SIO), Goa Zone

Other Members:

  1. Janab Moulvi Faheemuddin Bidar
  2. Janab Hafiz syed Zubair Ahmed Omri Bnagalore
  3. Janab S.M.Saadat Bangalore
  4. Janab Abdul Majeed Bangalore
  5. Janab Prof Syed Abdullah Goa
  6. Janab Prof Riyaz Ahmed Mysore
  7. Janab Syed Munawar Pasha Mansoora
  8. Janab Mukhtar Ahmed Kotwal Ilkal
  9. Janab Mohammed Asifuddin Bidar
  10. Janab Shameemuddin Hyder Raichur


Board of Islaimic Education, Karnataka & Goa,
#109, 2nd Floor,
Millia Building,
Bangalore – 560002